ONCAMPUS Boston is located at Curry College with a campus close to the heart of Boston, which was founded in 1879 and has a rich history as a forward-looking institution that emphasizes individualized education, academic preparation, and personal development. Recognized as a world-leading institution for individualized education, Curry continuously focuses on the particular learning needs of each student. ONCAMPUS Boston provides the support and guidance to help students explore different fields of study and career paths. While students are free to choose the area of study they wish to focus on, they will also be required to complete a number of general education courses which will help them learn how to think critically, research properly, and communicate effectively. The programmes at ONCAMPUS Boston are designed for international students to succeed - academically, personally, and professionally in a 1-year university transfer program that enables them to earn college credits while gaining a deeper understanding of the U.S., its education system, and which options are best for the student. Whether students already know their field of study or are still undecided, ONCAMPUS Boston’s experienced staff will help them with the course selection process to start them on the right path to their degree. Why ONCAMPUS Boston • Campus Location: Curry College is situated on a 131 acre wooded campus 7 miles from Downtown Boston - a city with culture, sports and learning. With 50 colleges and universities in Boston that attract more than 250,000 students, the entire city feels like a college campus. • Student Support: ONCAMPUS staff will help students apply and transfer to top U.S. college and universities. Students will have access to a personal tutor and subject pathway leader to support them throughout the year. • Facilities: Study in America’s #1 college town and live on a university campus alongside American students with full access to all facilities and resources including state-of-the-art labs and study spaces. • Degree Options: ONCAMPUS prepares students to succeed at any U.S. college or university. They work with a number of excellent partner universities, but students are free to explore transferring to any of the more than 4,000 U.S. universities and colleges.