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Wed, Aug 3, 2022 6:20 AM

Common Mistakes That Get You A Canada Study Permit Refusal.

With a growing population and fewer job opportunities, many students are looking to apply to international organizations for a secure future. Canada-Maple Leaf Country is her one of the most desirable study destinations for students looking forward to studying internationally. Canada is well known for its excellent teaching methods, skilled educators, and fulfilling career opportunities. More than 180,000 international students stay in Canada each year.  Canada is increasingly becoming the country of choice for students around the world.


This blog lists down some common mistakes leading to the rejection of Canadian student visa.

Financial paucity.

In order to apply for a Canadian student visa, the visa authorities demand proof of sufficient funds for the first year of the applied course. These evidences provided are necessary to verify that you can support yourself while your stay in Canada. The funds comprise payment of tuition fees, accommodation rent, transport costs, and miscellaneous expenses. In case of an authority doubts that you don't have enough funds for survival in Canada, your visa gets rejected on the grounds of insufficient finances.

Course of application.

You should make a choice of a course or program that is in line with your previous academic background. In the event of an authority noticing that your opted course doesn't correspond to your previous academic profile or work experience, then the probability of your visa rejection shoots up. On the occurrence of such an event, candidates are asked to submit a personal statement to address this issue. However, for the program to align with your background, a comprehensive history of education or work experience needs to be submitted in addition to the application.

English level proficiency.

English is the most spoken language in Canada. For that reason, a candidate ought to be competent in speaking and comprehending the English language to study in Canada. If not, a language barrier would crop up, thus creating a lot of issues for you to survive in Canada. Canadian institutions accept and admit only students who qualify IELTS, PTE or TOEFL with the minimum marks as put forth by any university. Failing to crack these English language proficiency tests with the required minimum score can lead to a visa refusal.


Intention to fly back to the parent country.

A Canadian study permit is not a permanent residence visa. A student visa is valid for a certain period of time. After completing your studies, you will need to convince the visa officer to return to your home country. Additionally, your Canadian Study Permit application must be completed in a manner that convinces the authorities that you are only intending to complete your studies and that you do not intend to reside permanently in Canada. Once the authorities decide to settle in Canada, there is a high chance that your visa will be denied.

Insufficient documents.

It is necessary to ensure carrying all the requisite documents for a study visa during the interview. Failing to carry prime documents can surely lead to refusal. Make an effort to carry your documents sequentially in an appropriate manner, so that the interviewer is at ease. To boot, the explanation and information in the documents must be true and written properly. Poor documentation and any kind of vague information provided may lead to visa refusal.

Biometric rejections.

Candidates with inaccurate or inaccurately scanned biometric data. If you do not upload your biometric requirements, you will most likely be rejected. In this case, it is important to upload the correct biometrics properly scanned in a timely manner to avoid being rejected during the visa process.

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